Tuesday 3 September 2013


 I have just visited the beautiful city of Amsterdam in Holland, i found as an architect student that this city is beautifully untouched. Almost every street you walk through in the city centre looks original. And if it is in fact modern, the majority of them have been styled to look like the original buildings anyway.

 This is the Westerkerk, situated in the Westermarket. This building was on the same street as my hotel, it was the first building i saw that i found really striking. The Westerkerk is a protestant church, built in 1631.

 This is a classic example of Amsterdam architecture, i thought the large shutters on the building really gave it some character.

This is the Rijks Museum the home of The Night Watch by Rembrandt, as well as a large collection of his work.

The Royal Palace in Amsterdam, this was built in the 17th century, in the year 1665.

Amsterdam is of course known for it's many canals, which were all kept beautifully clean, and made a lovely atmosphere with people on their own boats, or on canal tours

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