Tuesday 30 July 2013


Views and buildings from across Lebanon...

 Zaitunay Bay, Beirut. A new development for Lebanon on the seafront, however, i find myself particularly interested by it's view of the Four Seasons Hotel and over apartment blocks that light up the Bay from above. All four of these buildings are all tall glossy glass structures, with beautiful seafront views.

Views from my house overlooking the city, from hundreds of metres above in the hills of Ein Saade

 Close up of Beirut's main port

 Views looking on to the North of Lebanon

 The beautiful Byblos, where allegedly parts of the Bible were written. This image is of the old port, with the lovely old stone buildings, and the tour boats.

This image is of Downtown Beirut, which was redeveloped by Solidaire, the area had been terribly bombed and ruined in the civil war. In some of the buildings you can still see some of the bullet marks, the buildings had had their facades refurbed but deep bullet marks are still there.

Sunday 28 July 2013

Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery

 The Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery was established in  1885, as well as it's beautiful exterior it holds amazing glass ceilings and elaborated cornices. The museum hold a mixture of Roman, Egyptian,  Medieval history etc. as well as modern artwork.

In the modern wing, there was this amazing chandelier.

 Simon Callery, Six Pace Painting, Oil on Canvas.

Paul Feiler, Porthledden, Oil on Hardboard.

Wednesday 24 July 2013


Architecture of Paris

 A couple of years ago i took the Eurostar to Paris for the weekend with my family, having an interest in architecture then i managed to take a good amount of photographs of the Parisian architecture. Firstly here beginning with the Louvre, as my hotel was merely a minute walk away. The Louvre being famous for holding the Mona Lisa, as well as it's glass pyramid in the central square. Causing a modern contrast against the 1700's façade.

 The Louvre

 A square in Paris, sadly do not know the name.

The Théâtre du Palais-Royal,

 A carnival in the park opposite hotel Le Meurice,

 The Ritz hotel in Paris, in the courtyard,

 Arc de Triomphe,

 Centre Pompidou, designed by architect Richard Rogers, all pipe work has been placed on the outside of the building. Which is what it is famous for, as well as it's exposed steel frame structor, and escalator that takes one to the top.

Notre Dame 

And finally a view of the Seine, from a bride over to Notre Dame.

Saturday 6 July 2013

Hampton Court Palace

With the famous flower show happening this week it only seemed appropriate to do a page on one of my visits to Hampton Court.

 Hampton Court was the palace to King Henry VIII, known for his six wives. The palace originally belonged to Thomas Wolsey, however, in 1514 the King took over the site, and enlarged it.

 The palace is made from beautifully handcrafted red brick and stone. Every detail has been beautifully crafted, down to each chimney, carved out of the bright red brick

Wednesday 3 July 2013

Fish + Coal

Fish + Coal project at David Morley Architects

I am currently doing work experience at David Morley Architects. Here is a model of the building made at DMA.

 Modelling today

Today i was just adjusting part of the model. This is to be an extension added on to the old building, a glass conservatory restaurant.

A view of the actual building itself, that is currently derelict. Near St. Pancras station.

Tuesday 2 July 2013

Dan Slavinsky - Architect

My favourite architectural plans and sections by architect, Dan Slavinsky. Mixing architecture and art to make extraordinary designs and images.

Check out his blog : http://findingslav.blogspot.co.uk

Further Architecture of Barcelona

Further Architecture of Barcelona....

Cathedral of Barcelona

One of the many backstreets through Barcelona, with shops on the ground floor and apartments above gave the city a great atmosphere.

Sagrada Familia, the cathedral designed by Gaudi

The other side of Sagrada Familia that has been designed after Gaudi's death

Gaudi's Cassa Battló

One of the mosiac lizards in Gaudi's Park Güell