Saturday 28 March 2015

The Modern side to Amsterdam

My previous blog about Amsterdam was recording the inner core of the city and the traditional architectural style. When i travelled this time for a uni trip, we were focusing on a building each, selected by the tutors at uni.

By the harbours there are lots of modern takes on the classic town house, this is a repetitive take on that, which I find very effective, and quite an attractive way of using classic brick, and mesh.

One of the chosen buildings to look at was this Silodam by MVRDV the dutch architect firm. This building is located in the North of the city. The building is in the water on stilts, as can be seen from the picture. The building is famous for it's multitude of different facades, an obviously unusual trait for buildings, but nonetheless definitely interesting.

Another focus was the Whale, this building is located in the South-East of the city, again by the water, hence the literal name the whale. By Cie. architects, another dutch architect firm.

The Westerdok building, located nearby to the Silodam building.

Nextdoor to the Westerdok building was this, I really liked the repetitive nature of the long windows, and the long thin brick.

The Borneo island is host to this exciting architectural street. A different architect was hired to design a terraced house along the street. This creating a dynamic stretch of different and influential architecture.

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